
Our Ocean Conference 2018: ConsultantSeas’ main takeaways

ConsultantSeas attended Our Ocean Summit 2018 in Bali on October 29th-30th 2018. We present our analysis and experience of the Summit here.

The fifth Our Ocean Conference (OOC) was successfully held in Bali on October 29th-30th 2018. Overall, the Summit generated 305 commitments, including USD 10,7 billion monetary commitments. Amongst the official conclusions of the Summit, two are of particular relevance to us:

  1. “Marine Pollution and Marine Protected Areas are the most dominant commitments,” said Suseno Sukoyono, the Head of Inter State Institutions for the OOC 2018. Marine Pollution included commitments from at least 9 countries (Indonesia, Japan, The Netherlands, Chile, the EU, Thailand, Norway, France, The USA) and 11 private sector related commitments.
  2. The participation of private sector has been higher than it was for previous editions. “It means marine protection is no longer just the responsibility of the government, but has become the attention of all of us,” Suseno noted. Interesting to note that many CEOs or senior industry representatives attended the event, demonstrating a tangible willingness to act.

ConsultantSeas was present at the Summit as part of the Youth Leadership Summit organized by the Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA). We presented our Ocean Action Lighthouse (OAL) project, which was one of the top 20 projects selected for the design thinking workshop amongst 500+ applications.

The OAL is an online tool that maps out ocean plastics reduction projects worldwide, and classifies them against their location, value chain level, and type of project. Online users can easily navigate through the landscape of existing solutions. With this lighthouse, we want to help replicate best practices, scale-up individual actions, and facilitate collective action.

In the coming months, we will develop a first pilot focused on the Brittany region in France. Our aim is to demonstrate the power of our mapping tool in generating unforeseen opportunities to collaborate amongst various actors directly related to the ocean plastics issues – companies along the plastic value chain, civil society and the public sector.

Hear Marie Le Texier talk about her experience and learnings at the Youth Leadership Summit in this short video.

We look forward to sharing our first results and progress at Our Ocean 2019 in Norway next year!