

Where we act

We act from the local to the international scale. We are convinced that the world must change regarding both its globalised economy and in terms of more local and less impactful lifestyles.

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We are convinced that solving the plastic pollution issue requires us to adopt a systemic approach. This diagram, which combines a linear representation of the plastic value chain with a circular representation of the plastic life cycle and related material flows, guides our work towards this holistic vision.

To identify effective solutions and to initiate in-depth changes, it is key that companies along the value chain work together. Their expertise is complementary, solutions are multiple and interventions are necessary throughout the whole plastic life cycle. Beyond complementarity, these actors are interdependent and interconnected. Success in implementing impactful solutions relies on their collaboration. We are working to bring together all these players to create meaningful change at scale, and towards the objective of circularity and reduction in use.